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Mazinger Wiki
X Battler
Composition Unknown
Power Source Unknown
Pilot Garan Army

The X Battlers are the main forces of the Garan Army.


The X Battlers are heavily armored in terms of the other mech of the other armies. They have a striking semblance to the KingDan X10. There are some red X Battlers that are three times faster and stronger than the regular variants.

Abilities & Equipment[]

All X Battlers are armed archaic weapons. With swords, flails, and polearms for close combat while some use large bows and Crossbows that fire powerful arrows with explosive heads. Others are armed with heavy shoulder-mounted crossbow-launchers that rapidly fire two arrows at a time.


The X Battlers were sent out into battle whenever the Garan Army fought against the opposing armies of Machine Island. After the defeat of Garan they are still fighting against the Hachiryokaku who are later assisted by the Wingle. It is unknown what became of the Garan Army and the X Battlers after the battle with the Iron Kaiser.
