The Mechanical Beast Tsunami Plot it's the 15th episode of Mazinger Z. This episode first aired in Japan on March 11, 1973.
Baron Ashura deploys Chigul E7. Following his orders, the Mechanical Beasts plants bombs in the ocean floor.
As it is sunday, Koji doesn't need to go to school. He and Sayaka had planned to have a picnic together. However, Koji decides to to bail on her on the last second. Instead, he wants to spend his weekend working on the Hover Pilder alongside the Three Scientists. Shiro chews him out on going back on his word, but Koji leaves nonetheless leaving his younger brother to give Sayaka the bad news.
After learning what happened, Sayaka decides to take Shiro with her instead. Before they can start they picnic at the beach, they notice the ocean's odd behavior. Turns out Baron Ashura's actions have unleashed a tsunami on the city. The two of them return to the Photon Power Laboratory to warn Koji about the new development.
Ashura sents Chigul E7 to the city to lure Mazinger Z away from the lab. As Koji arrives to fight the Mechanical Beast, Gorias W3 is sent to attack the Photon Power Laboratory. Koji quickly defeats Chigul and returns in time to intercept Gorias. However, the Mechanical Beast manages to escape after its eletrical whips damages Mazinger Z's controls. Koji returns to the Photon Lab for repairs.
Both the Undergound Empire and the Photon Power Laboratory's team rush to repair their respectives robots as fast as they can. Gorias W3 gets fully repaired first. The Mechanical Beasts attacks the city and lays waste to the JFSD's tanks and fighter jets. Mazinger Z's repairs, on the other hand, were only enough to make him able to move properly. Koji rushes to fight Gorias with the Three Scientists still perfoming repairs from Mazinger's interior.
Koji manages to defeat Gorias W3 with Mazinger Z's physical strength.
Machines & Weapons[]
- Mazinger Z
- Rocket Punch
- Koushiryoku Beam
- Missile Punch
- This is the first episode in which Aphrodite A doesn't appear as Dr. Yumi doesn't allow Sayaka to deploy.
- Koji states Mazinger Z's output is 500,000 horsepower.
- Mazinger Z's interior has room enough for people to be able to walk inside.