Mazinger Z is a 1978 comic series based on Go Nagai's original creation, published in Spain by Grupo Editorial Grijalbo under its Ediciones Junior, S. A. imprint. Upon the original anime series' highly successful debut in Spain the same year, it was decided to locally produce a comic under license from Toei Animation and Dynamic Productions, at a period when translated Japanese manga had yet to gain popularity in the country. Released in large-sized, hardback color volumes, the series matches the European comic album format. It was also translated into French and Italian for its release in other European countries and, in 1986, Argentine publisher Ledafilms sold it in an edition more akin to comic-books, each issue containing half a Spanish volume. In 2015, the six-book series would be re-released in Spain by Asociacion Cultural del Comic in two omnibus volumes.
Not unlike Gosaku Ōta's manga, this comic is an adaptation of the Mazinger Z television anime series, which it follows very closely for the most part. However, most volumes adapt two different episodes as a single continuous story even if the corresponding episodes themselves are not consecutive, this due to the Spanish broadcast order being different from the Japanese original. Although following the same order, individual issues from the Argentine edition match individual episodes, since each covers half a Spanish book.
See also[]
- Mazinger Z (Ōta)
- Mazinger Z (TV Series)
- Goldorak (Editions Kana Graphic Novel)- Another licensed foreign adaptation of a Mazinger series