“ | Koji... with Mazinger Z, you can become either a god or a devil. | „ |
— Juzo Kabuto to Koji in Mazinger Z Episode 1 The Birth of a Miraculous Robot |
Mazinger Z (マジンガーZ | Majingā Zetto) is the titular robot of the Mazinger Z TV series. Created by Dr. Juzo Kabuto and piloted by his grandson, Koji Kabuto, Mazinger Z was humanity's first line of defense against the malevolent forces of Dr. Hell and, later, the Mycenaean Empire.
Mazinger Z was built following the discovery of Japanium, a rare ore found beneath Mt. Fuji, from which the incredibly strong Super Alloy Z (Chougoukin Z) was derived. Dr. Juzo Kabuto designed the titanic robot to combat Dr. Hell, a sinister figure bent on using Mechanical Beasts to dominate the world. However, after Dr. Kabuto was killed, the responsibility of piloting Mazinger Z fell to his grandson, Koji Kabuto, who took up the mantle to protect Earth from the encroaching forces of evil.
Technological Overview[]
Mazinger Z is a piloted combat robot secretly built by Professor Juzo Kabuto, in anticipation of Dr. Hell's ambition of world domination. Its armor is made from Chougoukin Z, an extremely durable alloy synthesized from Japanium, allowing it to shake off conventional weaponry, as well as the armaments of many initial Mechanical Beasts without a scratch. A Photon Power Engine is installed as Z's power source, utilizing Photon Power generated from the fission of Japanium. Mazinger able to lift, throw, and damage opponents its size or larger, along with using various destructive weapons with the energy provided by the engine. It is even said that Mazinger Z's combat power is comparable to the United States Navy's 7th Fleet.
However, Mazinger Z's Photon Power Engine is not all-powerful - constant usage of Z's energy-based weapons such as Breast Fire, followed by having Z running at top speed over extended periods of time will cause the engine to overload, therefore rendering Z paralyzed, as seen in Z's first encounter against Gerberos J3 in Episode 33. Taking note from this, the professors at the Photon Power Laboratory enhanced the output of the Engine from 500,000 Horsepower to 650,000 Horsepower, which allowed Z to run at top speed for a bit longer, contributing to its eventual victory. Furthermore, Z's Photon Power isn't unlimited; when the Japanium inside Z's Photon Power Engine has reached the end of its durability period, Photon Power can no longer be generated. This will lead to many of Z's weapons becoming unusable, and, at worst, cause Mazinger Z to explode if operated for too long. Simply replacing the Japanium inside Z's Photon Power Engine will solve the issue, though it is a fairly time-consuming task. In Episode 70, during Mazinger Z's second major overahul following the destruction of the Hover Pilder, the Photon Power Engine was upgraded once more, increasing its output to 920,000 Horsepower.
Another issue present in Mazinger Z is that even when receiving occasional repairs after getting damaged, repeated combat will eventually push Mazinger Z's internal machinery to the breaking point, which was shown in Episode 58, when Mazinger Z literally broke down during battle and cannot use any of its weapons, requiring assistance from Aphrodite A in order to defeat Gian F3. The Photon Research Laboratory staff immediately began on overhauling Z after the battle, while also using the occasion to install two new weapons for Mazinger Z: Iron Cutter and Drill Missile. These two weapons notably directly contributed to Mazinger Z's victory in the 2 following episodes.
Mazinger Z was deemed as a "perfect robot" since the start of the series, but with the Underground Empire constantly sending out newer Mechanical Beast models with advanced abilities such as flight and weapons capable of easily damaging Chougoukin Z, the Photon Power Laboratory staff worked hard to upgrade Mazinger Z, with the Jet Scrander or Daisharin Rocket Punch being noteworthy examples. Thus, Mazinger Z became even further perfected to the point that in Episode 85, Professor Watson claimed he could no longer think of anything else to add to the Super Robot.
With its tremendous power, Mazinger Z eventually emerged victorious against all of the Mechanical Beasts and Ghost Mechanical Beasts of the Underground Empire following a 2-year long campaign, with assistance from its robot partners and the Photon Power Laboratory staff. However, with the subsequent emergence of the Warrior Beasts Gratonios and Viranias from the Mycenae Empire following the fall of the Underground Empire, Mazinger Z was rendered powerless and utterly defeated at the hands of these new enemies. After Great Mazinger took Mazinger Z's place as the new guardian of humanity, Z was repaired and retrofitted with the stronger and lighter Chougoukin New Z, allowing it to properly combat the Mycenae Empire.
By the time of INFINITY, 10 years after the events of the Great Mazinger series, Mazinger Z has been further enhanced, with its size now rivaling that of Great Mazinger's.
To activate the robot, Mazinger Z requires a Pilder craft to be docked with its head. After shouting "Mazin Go!" to deploy Z from its hanger, Koji will cry "Pilder On!" and have the Pilder combine with the Super Robot. It seems that Mazinger Z can be remotely controlled from the Pilder through voice recognition to some extent, as seen when Kouji's repeated cries of Mazin Go prompted Z to climb its way out of the damaged pool hangar at the Photon Power Laboratory in Episode 64.
- Rocket Punch (ロケットパンチ)
Mazinger Z's signature weapon, the Rocket Punch refers to Z's forearm sections, which are capable of being fired into the air by using built-in Photon Power Rockets, and striking down their targets through remote control. Both fists can be launched either simultaneously, or individually as the pilot deems necessary. Additional thrusters are installed in the fingertips to assist in direction control, primarily used to dock the Rocket Punch back on Mazinger Z. The fists fly at Mach 2, with a maximum operation range of 2 km. From Episode 72 onwards, a pair of new Rocket Punches were created for Mazinger Z to be used with Daisharin Rocket Punch.
- Chain
- A chain connected between the Rocket Punch and the upper arm, used to restrain Deviler X1, Mazinger Z's first flying opponent, and drag it down to the ground. It was lost when Deviler X1 destroyed Mazinger Z's right arm with its leg missile.
- Kyouryoku Rocket Punch / Kyoukagata Rocket Punch (強力ロケットパンチ / 強化型ロケットパンチ | Powered Rocket Punch / Enhanced-Type Rocket Punch)
- A brand-new Rocket Punch, sturdier than the orignal one, built for Mazinger Z. It was used only once in Episode 54 to replace the right Rocket Punch lost during Z's first battle against Jeiser J1. With the Japanium inside Z's Photon Power Engine nearing its durability period, Kouji used the last of Z's energy to fire the Kyouryoku Rocket Punch straight into Jeiser J1's underside, destroying the Mechanical Beast. Never seen again after its debut episode. "Kyouryoku" is the original name, while "Kyoukagata" is used in most Super Robot Wars games.
- Iron Cutter (アイアンカッター)
- A pair of razor-sharp axe blades made from Chougoukin Z of 20 cm thickness installed within each Rocket Punch, allowing for the Rocket Punches to be utilized as remote slashing weapons. Designed by Professor Morimori, they were added in Episode 59 along with the Drill Missile during Mazinger Z's overhaul. This is the only physical weapon in Mazinger Z's arsenal which can damage Chougoukin Z. This is also one of Mazinger Z's only weapons that could still exert its effectiveness underwater. In INFINITY, the Cutters have also been shown to be effective melee weapons, as Z used them in close quarters combat to destroy the rebuilt Garada K7.
- Daisharin Rocket Punch (大車輪ロケットパンチ | Great Wheel Rocket Punch)
- By ceasing all other functions and concentrating power into the arms, Mazinger Z spins its arms rapidly and builds up momentum before firing off the Rocket Punches. The fist flies at Mach 3, which makes it 3 times more powerful than the standard Rocket Punch. This is Mazinger Z's strongest attack in the TV series, first used to defeat Apollon A1 in Episode 72. This is also one of Mazinger Z's only weapons that could still exert its effectiveness underwater. It is used with the newly-built Rocket Punches for Mazinger Z from Episode 72 onwards. If the Jet Scrander is being equipped when Mazinger Z is performing this attack, the arms will spin somewhat diagonally before firing. Later on, the Scrander wings are shown to be capable of folding backwards, allowing Z to execute the attack normally.
- Chou Koushiryoku Rocket Punch (超光子力ロケットパンチ | Super Photon Power Rocket Punch)
- A Rocket Punch powered up by 5.6 billion percent thanks to absorbing all the Photon Power in the world (or from all possibilities in adjacent dimensions with Super Robot Wars T). Used by the enlarged Mazinger Z against the Infinity piloted by Dr. Hell, sending it straight to space and ending it for good.
- Finger Missile (フィンガーミサイル)
A rarely-used attack where Mazinger fires the last joint of its fingers as miniature missiles. Only seen used in Episode 10 against Dyan N4.
- Mazinger Kick / Mazin Kick (マジンガーキック / マジンキック)
Mazinger Z leaps into the air to perform a flying kick (or some variant of), or just performs a normal kick. Used in Episodes 23, 35, 42 (Mazinger Kick), 58, 77, 83, GM Ep 54 (Mazin Kick). Used once again in INFINITY as Mazin Kick to wipe out some low-class Mechanical Beasts.
- Hammer Punch (ハンマーパンチ)
Mazinger Z pummels the enemy while advancing. Only used in Episode 28 against Horgas D5.
- Koushiryoku Beam (光子力ビーム / Photon Power Beam)
Concentrated Photon Power fired from the eyes. Its destructive power is equal to 10 tons of TNT. Maximum effective range 500 m. Aside from being used to take out small targets such as missiles and fighter jets, it is also surprisingly effective against early Mechanical Beasts. Unsuitable for underwater combat.
- Rust Hurricane (ルストハリケーン)
Corrosive acid mixed with compressed air propelled from Z's mouth, instantly corroding any metal it comes into contact with. Unsuitable for underwater combat.
- Breast Fire (ブレストファイヤー)
An extremely intense beam of concentrated heat (30,000 degrees Celsius) fired from the chest heat sinks. Maximum effective range 1 km. Prolonged usage of it will cause Z's Photon Power Engine to overload. Unsuitable for underwater combat. Kouji most often uses this attack to finish Mechanical Beasts. A side note is that the chest heat sinks are the most durable sections of Mazinger Z.
- Missile Punch (ミサイルパンチ)
Mazinger Z mounts a missile launch bay in its belly, which can instantly manufacture missiles as long as there are enough construction materials remaining. The missile fired has a force of 100 tons of TNT. Mazinger Z can fire 40 of these in 10 seconds. When the Jet Scrander is equipped, the yellow buckle section is either hollowed out (Episode 37), split apart (Episode 92), or the entire docking strap is opened up (Episode 76) to fire the Missile Punch.
- Drill Missile (ドリルミサイル)
Small, needle-like missiles fired from 6 ports located within each of Z's upper arms, for a total of 12 ports. The needles rotate 20000 times per second when fired and fly at Mach 3, giving them excellent piercing ability. They can either be fired after the Rocket Punch has been deployed, or with the forearms still attached by utilizing a flipping joint to move the forearm out of the way. Added in Episode 59 along with the Iron Cutters during Mazinger Z's overhaul, though Kouji only knew of its existence and thus first used it during Episode 60.
- Reitou Kousen / Reitou Beam (冷凍光線 / 冷凍ビーム| Freezing Beam)
An intense blast of cold of -180 degrees Celsius fired from the side protrusions on Mazinger Z's head. They were added during Mazinger Z's overhaul in Episode 71, and were first used to take out fires engulfing Boss Borot in the same episode. "Reitou Kousen" is used in animated media, while "Reitou Beam" is used in Super Robot Wars games.
- Scrander Cut (スクランダーカット)
With the Scrander equipped, Mazinger Z slashes the enemy with the razor-sharp wings.
- Scrander Cutter (スクランダーカッター)
Mazinger Z detaches the Scrander and wields it as a gigantic bludgeoning blade. Only used in INFINITY to take out the rebuilt Damdam L2's central component. This attack is based upon a maneuver performed by the Go Nagai manga Mazinger Z.
- Southern Cross Knife (サザンクロスナイフ)
Projectiles shaped after a 4-point shuriken, stored within the Jet Scrander's wings in numerous quantities. They're fired through 3 ports on each wing, for a total of 6 firing ports. The projectiles are made from Chougoukin Z and have a diameter of 2 meters. It was incorporated into the Jet Scrander during the Scrander's reconstruction process from Episode 71 to 73. The weapon is still usable even when the Jet Scrander is operating by itself. First used in Episode 73 to destroy Kentaur Γ7's geomagnetic storm-emitting horns.
- Simultaneous Blast / Simultaneous Attack (一斉発射 / 一斉攻撃 | Issei Hassha / Issei Kougeki)
Seen in INFINITY. Mazinger Z fires the Koushiryoku Beam, Rust Hurricane, Breast Fire, Missile Punch, Drill Missile, and Southern Cross Knife all at once, wiping out a large number of Mechanical Beasts. The former name is used in the movie and in SRW X-Omega, while the latter is used in SRW T and 30.
- Mazinger Boomerang (マジンガーブーメラン)
A tactic where Mazinger removes the heat sinks from its' chest, connects it and flings it at the enemy. This attack only appeared in a flashback in UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger.
External Weapons[]
- Mazinger Blade (マジンガーブレード)
A pair of swords which serve as Great Mazinger's primary melee weapon. Great lended one to Z during Mazinger Z vs Great General of Darkness so that Z could defend itself against Arsoth.
- Garada K7's Scythe
Mazinger Z took it from Garada K7 in INFINITY and threw it at Doublas M2, decapitating one of its heads.
Crossover Combination Attacks[]
- Double Mazinger Punch / Double Rocket Punch
Mazinger Z performs a Rocket Punch together with the corresponding attacks of Great Mazinger, Mass-Production Great Mazinger, Grendizer, or Minerva X.
- Triple Mazinger Punch
Mazinger Z performs a Rocket Punch together with Great Mazinger's Atomic Punch and Grendizer's Screw Crusher Punch.
- Double Mazinger Blade
Mazinger Z borrows one of Great Mazinger's Mazinger Blades, as both Super Robots engage the enemy in melee combat together.
- Triple Mazinger Blade
Mazinger Z borrows one of Great Mazinger's Mazinger Blades, as Z, Great, and Grendizer engage the enemy in melee combat together.
- Double Burning Fire
Mazinger Z unleashes Breast Fire together with the corresponding attacks of Great Mazinger/Mass-Production Great Mazinger's Breast Burn, or Minerva X's own Breast Fire.
- Mazinger Tornado
Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grendizer respectively unleash Breast Fire, Breast Burn, and Hanjuuryoku Storm in tandem.
- Twin Beam
Mazinger Z and Getter-1 unleash Koushiryoku Beam and Getter Beam in tandem.
- Final Dynamic Special
The ultimate combination attack of Dynamic Production's Super Robots. Usually performed by Mazinger Z together with Great Mazinger, Grendizer, and Getter Robo G or Shin Getter Robo, depending on the Super Robot Wars game.
- Photon Power Rockets (光子力ロケット)
The photon rockets, mounted in the bottom of Mazinger's feet, give Mazinger Z the ability to jump 500 meters in the air or propel the robot through water. They were added in Episode 18 to help Z combat the underwater Mechanical Beast Glossam X2. It was notably used in tandem with modified orbital weather observation rockets also loaded with Photon Power Rockets to help Mazinger Z take to the skies and defeat Kerberos J3 in Episode 32. With the introduction of the Jet Scrander, the leg rockets are also utilized to provide temporary thrust for Z to perform Scrander Cross mid-air.
- Mazin Power (マジンパワー)
By temporarily shutting down the power distribution of Mazinger Z's Photon Power Engine, it is possible for Photon Power to gradually accumulate inside Mazinger Z, which can then be unleashed at once for an explosive boost in instant output. First used in Episode 29 by Mazinger Z to overpower the powerful Glenghost C3 in an instant, smashing the Mechanical Beast into smithereens against the ground with the chains the Beast used to restrain Z. In Episode 72, it was used to help an armless and Scrander-less Z leap out from a deep trench with the feet Photon Power Rockets. In Episode 78, it was used to assist a damaged Mazinger Z in escaping from the ocean floor. In Episode 86, it was used to free Z's legs from Parlas ΔV's hardening substance. And finally, in Episode 87, a Koushiryoku Beam strengthened by Mazin Power was used to obliterate Viscount Pygman, putting an end to the Apparation Officer.
- Fire Extinguisher
A chemical reserve, located in the mouth grille of Mazinger to put out fires, used only once in Episode 7 to extinguish fires engulfing Aphrodite A.
- Radar Camera (レーダーカメラ)
A radar camera installed in Mazinger Z. Used to take high-speed pictures of Jinrai S1 in Episode 24.
- High-Performance Radar (高性能レーダー)
An enhanced radar installed into the Pilder during Episode 66 to replace Mazinger Z's main antennas (the yellow head protrusions), which were damaged during Z's first encounter with Jenoba M9. It is assumed that this freed up space within the head protrusions, allowing for the Reitou Kousen to be installed.
- High-Voltage Current (高圧電流 | Kouatsu Denryuu)
Mazinger Z can discharge a powerful electric current from its entire body. Used to shake off one of the two Brothas Mechanical Beasts who was trying to break into Z's cockpit in Episode 46, temporarily paralyzing it. Aphrodite A also has this ability, which was used to disable Basil F7's electromagnetic plates latching onto Z in Episode 45.
- Electromagnetic Wave (電磁波 | Denjiha)
An electromagnetic wave discharged from the finger tips, used in Episode 77. After the Photon Power Laboratory staff filled water into the tunnel that Blaster A7 dug beneath the Laboratory, the electromagnetic wave was fired into the tunnel, electrocuting the Mechanical Beast through the water and driving it back to the surface.
- Barrier
A barrier of unknown type. It was used only once in Episode 3 to reflect Gromazen R9's Ion Cannon back to the Mechanical Beast, destroying it.
- Anti-Wave Barrier (アンチウェーブバリヤー)
A wave deflection barrier equipped on Mazinger Z, installed by Professor Sewashi to protect Z from Rayas D5's supersonic wave attack in Episode 85. When activated, it takes the form of a crystal-like barrier similar to the Photon Power Laboratory's own barrier. The barrier is fairly flexible, as it can be seen changing its shape to match Mazinger Z's body when Z moves around.
- Skis & Parachute
A pair of skis and a decelerating parachute hastily prepared for Mazinger Z in Episode 55. With the Jet Scrander under repair after being damaged by Iron Cross soldiers, Kouji used the Hover Pilder to carry the equipment up to the snow-covered Mt. Fuji to enable Mazinger Z to escape from the thick snow there. Kouji initially found it difficult to control Mazinger Z with the skis, but eventually managed to maneuver the Super Robot down the mountain, allowing him to put an end to Blowgun G3's rampage at the Photon Power Laboratory.
Control Units[]
Hover Pilder[]
The Hover Pilder (ホバーパイルダー) is a hovercraft that serves as the control center of Mazinger Z , docking in Mazinger's head port to activate it. The steering controls are very similar to a motorcycle. It features outboard VTOL fans at the ends of its wings for vertical take off and landing, the wings fold up when landing. The wings were chipped once when Sayaka tried to pilot the Hover Pilder and initiate Pilder On in place of a bedridden Kouji in Episode 52. In the battle against Gusios βIII, it was damaged beyond repair and was later replaced by the Jet Pilder.
Armaments & Equipment[]
- Pilder Laser (パイルダーレーザー)
A pair of laser dischargers mounted in front of the Pilder, mainly used to distract enemies and dispatch foot soldiers.
- Pilder Missile (パイルダーミサイル)
Missiles fired from the jet engine compartments.
- Emergency Raft
A self-inflating life raft carried in a central holding bay on the ventral side of the craft. Used in Episode 10 to provide cushion and break Shiro's fall after Kouji freed him from Baron Ashura's trap. At least 2 of them are stored on the Hover Pilder.
- Smokescreen
Kouji can press a button, causing the Pilder to emit a black smokescreen. Used in Episode 33 to temporarily disrupt Baras K9's vision, giving Kouji an opening to initiate Pilder On and dock with Mazinger Z during his first battle against the Mechanical Beast.
Jet Pilder[]
The Jet Pilder (ジェットパイルダー) is the Hover Pilder's replacement aircraft after the Hover Pilder was severely damaged by Gusios βIII, debuting in the battle against Unicorn Σ2. It is an upgrade from the Hover Pilder, with a pair of large movable Photon Power Jet Engines on the sides to replace the old hover fans, another engine mounted at the rear to provide additinal thrust during emergencies, and a powerful hovering fan mounted at the bottom for landing. It retains the old model's Pilder Missiles, while also introducing new weapons, which are the Pilder Beam and 20mm Machine Guns. It has better steering performance in part due to the larger fin on the dorsal side of the fuselage. Unlike the Hover Pilder, which is usually parked somewhere within the Photon Power Laboratory grounds or right outside the Kabuto house, the Jet Pilder has its own dedicated underground hangar in the Photon Power Laboratory, and can be summoned by Kouji with the cry "Jet Pilder!".
Armaments & Equipment[]
- Pilder Missile (パイルダーミサイル)
Missiles fired from the jet engine compartments. As the new jet engines are bigger than the old ones, the missiles are also accordingly enlarged. They are capable of dealing considerable damage to a Ghost Mechanical Beast.
- Pilder Beam (パイルダービーム)
Energy beams fired from a pair of large circular convergers in front of the Jet Pilder. They are capable of melting through the wings of a Ghost Mechanical Beast.
- 20mm Machine Gun (20ミリ機銃)
Only mentioned in setting materials. In Episode 88, the Jet Pilder was seen rapidly shooting small projectiles at the Hell Castle's interiors for a split second when Kouji was trying to escape from the island, but since the scene showed the Jet Pilder from the back, it is unknown whether or not this weapon is Machine Gun, nor where the weapon is mounted at exactly.
- Telescope (望遠鏡 | Bouenkyou)
A telescope mounted on the rear of the Jet Pilder's dorsal fin, allowing Kouji to view behind the Pilder when required. Only utilized by Kouji during the Jet Pilder's debut episode.
Jet Scrander[]
The Jet Scrander (ジェットスクランダー) is a winged, jetpack-like unit designed by Dr. Smith that attaches to the back of Mazinger Z to give it flight capabilities. The wings are razor sharp and can be used to cut enemies both in flight and when used as a weapon. It can be freely summoned by Koji when required by turning on the guidance circuit inside the Pilder, which activates the Scrander's tracking sequence through its radar. If the guidance circuit is switched off, the Scrander will automatically return to the Photon Power Laboratory. The Jet Scrander can be remotely controlled from the Laboratory, unless if the guidance circuit built into the Pilder is still active. The process of Mazinger Z docking with the Jet Scrander is coined as "Scrander Cross", due to Mazinger Z and the Scrander together forming a cross shape when docking. When flying at speeds exceeding Mach 2.3, the wings will shift backwards to minimize air resistance. It can also operate underwater without problem. An initial issue with the Jet Scrander is how it cannot withstand vibrations generated when flying at top speed at heights surpassing 20,000 meters, which was exploited in Episode 41 by Karma K5. After the Scrander was severely damaged by Deldan V8 in Episode 42, the Photon Power Laboratory scientists decided to refurbish the Scrander in Episode 43, increasing its maximum speed to Mach 4.5. During Mazinger Z's second overhaul in Episode 71, the Photon Power Laboratory staff also used the occasion to rebuild the Jet Scrander, giving it a larger dorsal fin and incorporating the Southern Cross Knives into it, with the construction period lasting until Episode 73. In Episode 77, the Scrander was shown intercepting the Flying Fortress Ghoul by itself and even firing the Southern Cross Knives on its own, but it is unknown whether or not this is autopilot or remote control at work. The wings became foldable from at least Episode 78 onwards, allowing Mazinger Z to use Daisharin Rocket Punch more conveniently without obstruction.
Weapons & Attacks[]
- Scrander Cut (スクランダーカット)
The Jet Scrander can be remotely controlled to slash enemies with its razor-sharp wings. Used to take out Brocken T9's main body in INFINITY.
- Southern Cross Knife (サザンクロスナイフ)
Projectiles shaped after a 4-edged shuriken, stored within the wings in numerous quantities. They're fired through 3 ports on each wing, for a total of 6 firing ports. The projectiles are made from Chougoukin Z and have a diameter of 2 meters. It was incorporated into the Jet Scrander during the Scrander's reconstruction process from Episode 71 to 73. The weapon is still usable even when the Jet Scrander is operating by itself. First used in Episode 73 to destroy Kentaur Γ7's geomagnetic storm-emitting horns.
Mazinger Z[]
When Professor Juzo Kabuto was on a mining expedition on Mt. Fuji and discovered the rare element he dubbed Japanium, which he found could be forged into an incredibly durable metallic alloy he named "Chougoukin Z" and can be used to generate a new energy source he named "Photon Power". Not long after, in 1957, when on an expedition to the island of Bardos in the Mediterranean islands, the doctor and his colleagues found the remains of the Mycenae Empire.

The German scientist, Dr. Hell went mad with this discovery and killed the other scientists, plotting to use the ancient technology to take over the world. Dr. Kabuto survived and started his work on a robot that would combat Hell, Mazinger Z (Minerva X was also in the doctor's plans but was never put into production). The doctor however became more and more obsessed with his project, neglecting the parental duties he should have spent with his grandsons Koji and Shiro Kabuto.
After 15 years of research and construction, Dr. Kabuto finally completed Mazinger Z on October 10, 1972. Shortly after Mazinger Z was completed, Dr. Kabuto fell victim to a bomb that had been planted by Hell's minion, Baron Ashura. Koji heard the explosion and rushed to his grandfather's side, but he was too late: Dr. Kabuto was dying. But before expiring, the doctor explained everything to his grandson and gave Mazinger to Koji to fight against the impending threat of Dr. Hell. Koji would use Mazinger Z against Dr. Hell's Mechanical Beasts and his generals with assistance from Sayaka Yumi piloting Aphrodite A (later Diana A) and later (to some degree) Boss and his scrap metal robot, Boss Borot.
One by one, Dr. Hell deployed his Mechanical Beasts to destroy both Mazinger Z and the Photon Power Laboratory, commandeered by Baron Ashura, and later by Dr. Hell's new right-hand man, Count Brocken. Each time, Koji used Mazinger to fight and destroy them. Then Dr. Hell unveiled a robot from Dr. Kabuto's plans, Minerva X. Unfortunately for Hell, Minerva betrayed him and defected to the Photon Power Lab. But the female robot's AI had a strange turn of events, it actually fell in love with Mazinger Z. In a fight with a Mechanical Beast, its partner circuit was damaged and went on a rampage, until Aphrodite A had to put it down with its missiles. Minerva's consciousness was restored in time for it to "die" in Mazinger Z's arms. To honor her, Mazinger Z and the Photon Power Laboratory gave her a "burial at sea". Koji was injured in one fight and in order to fight back, Sayaka Yumi tried to pilot Mazinger Z; however, she was unfamiliar with the controls, resulting in the Pilder's wings being damaged and Mazinger Z going out of control like when Koji first used the mech.
The appearance of Archduke Gorgon signified a new stage in the conflict, with the introduction of the powerful Ghost Mechanical Beasts developed by the Mycenae Empire. The battle between the Photon Power Laboratory and the Underground Empire became further heated, exampled by Mazinger Z receiving various new upgrades, the death of Baron Ashura, and the death of Dr. Morimori. Dr. Hell also deployed his newly-built cyborg sorcerer Viscount Pygman to attack the Laboratory, but he was eventually destroyed by Mazinger Z. Finally, Koji and his allies decide to finish off Dr. Hell once and for all by going to his island fortress, Hell Castle. Koji had Mazinger Z wreck the island apart and destroy Dr. Hell's airship the Gool, finally finishing Dr. Hell and Count Brocken for good.
Unfortunately, the fall of the Underground Empire signified the rise of the Mycenae Empire. With Mazinger Z damaged after the showdown at Hell Island, Archduke Gorgon used the opportunity to command the Warrior Beasts Gratonios and Viranias to attack the Photon Power Laboratory. Mazinger Z was utterly defeated at the hands of these new enemies while Kouji is rendered unconscious, and it was only due to the untimely arrival of Great Mazinger that the Warrior Beasts could be repelled. With Mazinger Z badly damaged, Koji and Sayaka decided to study aboard in America, while Tetsuya, pilot of Great Mazinger, assisted by Venus A and its pilot Jun Hono, fought the Mycenae Empire as the new guardians of humanity.
Great Mazinger[]
Cheating death, Dr. Hell returned from the dead as the Great Marshall of Hell, and badly damaged Great Mazinger. Fortunately, Mazinger Z returned stronger than ever, retrofitted with Chougoukin New Z. Together with a now united team composed of the Double Mazingers and their allies, the Mycenae Empire was finally destroyed. With the threat brought to an end, Koji retires from being a pilot and puts Mazinger Z in storage.
Mazinger Z: Infinity[]

Ten years after the events of Great Mazinger, Mazinger Z was allegedly placed on exhibition in a museum. It ends up being destroyed after Dr. Hell unleashes Infinity's power over the city. However, it is later revealed that the Mazinger Z that was destroyed was a copy meant only for display.
Koji deploys in the real Mazinger Z alongside LiSA and goes on to fight Dr. Hell's forces. After going through the Mechanical Beast Army, Baron Ashura and Count Brocken Mazinger Z reaches Dr. Hell. By harnessing all of Earth's Photon Power, Koji and LiSA are able to power up Z and defeats Infinity. After the battle, Mazinger Z is seen standing outside the Photon Power Lab.
Mazinger Z's early concept was originally named Energer Z and featured a motorcycle as its control center. However, with the rising popularity of Kamen Rider, series creator Go Nagai shifted the design to feature an air-based vehicle, which eventually became the iconic Hover Pilder. This concept drew inspiration from Nagai’s earlier work, Demon Lord Dante, and encapsulated the duality of power—Mazinger Z could be used for good or evil, reflecting its name, Majin (a combination of the Japanese words for "demon" and "god").
Mazinger Z pioneered the concept of an internally piloted giant robot in anime. While mechas had appeared in other forms of media before, Mazinger Z was the first to lead a series with a human pilot operating the machine from inside. This innovation gave rise to the Super Robot genre, an influential movement in anime that shaped the mecha landscape for decades.
- Dr. Kabuto completed Mazinger Z on October 10, 1972; a total of eight days after the first chapter of the original Mazinger Z manga was published in Weekly Shonen Jump in October 2, 1972.
- While Mazinger Z is controlled by a series of levers and buttons, Mazinger Z is always depicted mimicking Koji's movements, even when no controls have been used at all.
- In UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger, Mazinger Z physically resembles a hybrid between it and Great Mazinger, while Koji is hallucinating under Vegan control, using Great Mazinger's lower body and arms and having a Great Boomerang like attack. Considering Koji was under Vegan hypnosis during this flashback, it's most likely a sign that his mind was merging his time with Mazinger and working alongside Tetsuya Tsurugi in Great Mazinger rather than depicting an actual variant of Mazinger's appearance.
- In several music cover collections for Mazinger Z songs, both of which are allegedly drawn by Go Nagai, Mazinger Z has strange 'optic' pupils in its eyes.
Foreign names[]
- English: Tranzor Z (Second TV series broadcast);
- Italy: Mazinga Z (Initial TV series broadcast)
- Indonesia: Red Shadow (TV series, home video)
- South Korea: 마징가 Z/Majinga Jet (TV series broadcast,home video)
- Hong Kong: 鐵甲萬能俠/Mighty Armor (TV series broadcast)
- Taiwan: 無敵鐵金剛/Invincible Iron King Kong (TV series broadcast)
- Mainland China: 魔神Z/Demon-God Z (via Super Robot Taisen)
- Arab World: مازنجر زد/Majinja (TV Series Broadcast)
Mazinger Z: Infinity[]