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Juzo Kabuto is the creator of the Photonic Energy powered battle suit used by Z-chan (who is also her granddaughter), which put her in a lot of debt.


Juzo strongly resembles the original manga version of Juzo Kabuto including the scarred left eye and mustache, but with a feminine body and her aged hair in a bun with a pin.


Juzo had the mannerisms of a mad scientist using whatever means to complete her research, borrowing money from various sources which left her in debt and having her granddaughter be a part of these projects. She still cared about Z-chan, having taken her in when her parents disappeared and not wanting her power to fall into the wrong hands.


Juzo was an accomplished particle physicist with a specialty in Photonic Energy, having developed a way to harness that power for a suit that enhances the wearer's capabilities.



At some point before the series, began Juzo took in her granddaughter after her parents disappeared. In the course of her research, Z-chan's grandmother borrowed a lot of money from various groups including the yakuza for her research on utilizing Photonic Energy. However this left her in a lot of debt, with the entire house tagged. When Z-chan came home to find out from her grandmother what happened, her grandmother explained the situation and showed her the Hover Pilder and how Z-chan would be the key piece to completing her research. But before anything could be done, Baron Ashura and the Mechanical Beast Girls appeared to steal the research while coming at a misunderstanding. Using the Hover Pilder to transform, Z-chan fights off the Mechanical Beast Girls while destroying the house in the process which caused debt collectors to take Z-chan's grandmother away. Left in mortgage debt, Z-chan had to work in order to get her grandmother back.


In the novel version, while still in debt from several debt collectors, she managed to find the mysteries behind Photonic Energy. Juzo built a prototype battle suit called the Iron Z which caused her to go on a three minute rampage which got her drafted off. Juzo was revealed to be the one to name Z-chan and taught her that justice is secondary compared to everything else.
