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Holzon V3 was a Mechanical Beast girl created by Dr. Hell. She originally appeared in the Robot Girls Z Online game and made an official (albeit minor cameo) debut in the final episode of Robot Girls Z+.


Holzon was a girl in her late teens with short messy purple hair and yellow eyes. She has bright pink and black armor, her helmet could split open like a flower to reveal a drill, she had large hooks on her arm braces, and a small face on her chest with large eyes and a goofy crooked smile, the face would reflect her feelings, changing with her mood. She had black armor resembling shorts and a set of three large drills on her feet. When in her depressed state, Holzon hides her face under her helmet with a shadow covering it with only yellow eyes appearing through the shadow.


Holzon was a happy, cheery, and energetic girl. But she sulks when things weren't going her way.

Powers and Abilities[]

Her basic attack was to slash with the hooks on her arm braces, however her special attacks involve creating mini earthquakes or attack with the drill on her head.

