Great Mazinger (グレートマジンガー | Gurēto Majingā) is the successor to Mazinger Z and titular robot of Great Mazinger TV series. It was created by the thought to be deceased Dr. Kenzo Kabuto alongside Venus A. Tetsuya Tsurugi is Great's main pilot, but both Kenzo and Koji Kabuto have piloted him once each.[1][2]
Great Mazinger largely resembles his predecessor, but has a few minor differences besides larger height and weight. Compared to Mazinger Z, Great has a higher crown, horns pointed upwards, a V-shaped heat sink and has pointed fins on his appendages. He features a built-in retractable red Scrander called the Scramble Dash on his back.
Technological Overview[]
A piloted combat robot developed with reference to Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger is constructed with Chougoukin New Z, an enhanced version of Chougoukin Z with 4 times the rigidness. An upgraded version of Mazinger Z's Photon Power Engine powers Great Mazinger, granting the Super Robot with 900,000 horsepower, which was later increased to 1,300,000 horsepower. Great's basic performance surpasses Z in all areas, sporting strengthened versions of Z's weapons and several other new weapons, with an emphasis on mobility and melee combat. Furthermore, compared to Z, Great is capable of effectively fighting underwater without much difficulty. Unlike Mazinger Z, which requires the external Jet Scrander in order to achieve sustained flight, Great Mazinger has built-in flight capabilities in the form of the retractable Scramble Dash on its back, coupled with an additional pair of dorsal fins on Great's calves.
To activate the robot, Great Mazinger requires the Brain Condor to be docked with its head. After shouting "Mazin Go!" to deploy Great from its launching bay connected to the Science Fortress Laboratory, which is equipped with a whirlpool generator to propel Great out of the water and into the skies, Tetsuya will cry "Fire On!" and have the Condor combine with the Super Robot.
Brain Condor[]
The Brain Condor (ブレーンコンドル) is a jetcraft that serves as the control center for Great Mazinger, docking on Mazinger's head port to activate it. The jetcraft utilizes a pair of jet engines on the rear for thrust, along with another pair below the wings for deceleration, all of which are usable underwater. In order to incorporate piloting functions for both a jetcraft and a giant robot, the cockpit control system is designed to be both simple and multifunctional, allowing the pilot to effectively control Great Mazinger through minimum action. Normally stored within the Science Fortress Laboratory's lower hanger, the Brain Condor travels within an underwater pipe at 600 km/h when deployed, before entering a solutional cave tunnel, emerging on the other side, passing through a wrecked ship, and taking to the skies, with the entire launching process taking only 15 seconds. The cockpit rotates 90 degrees after docking.
- Condor Beam (コンドルビーム)
Beams fired from ports mounted at the front of the Brain Condor. These ports also double as decelerating thrusters for the Brain Condor to dock with Great Mazinger during Fire On.
- Condor Missile (コンドルミサイル)
Missiles fired from launchers mounted below the wings.
- Cobalt Bomb (コンドル爆弾)
A pair of cobalt bombs loaded into the Condor Missile launching tubes in Episode 38. They were used to inflict devastating damage onto the Mycelos, in order for Tetsuya to take back the stolen Great Mazinger held within the fortress.
Great Booster[]
The Great Booster (グレートブースター) is an external Scrander-like support aircraft dedicated for Great Mazinger, first introduced in the Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo G: Kuchu Daigekitotsu movie, before making its TV debut in Great Mazinger Episode 47. By retracting the Scramble Dash, Great Mazinger can dock with the Great Booster with a shout of "Great Booster On!", raising Great's maximum speed from Mach 4 to Mach 5, thus granting the Super Robot a substantial increase in speed and mobility. The Great Booster also doubles as Great Mazinger's most powerful weapon, capable of being launched at the enemy in the Great Booster Attack and completely obliterating the target upon contact. By itself, the Great Booster is capable of circling the Earth 2.5 times with ease. The Booster's wings are situated forwards and backwards during docking and during solo flight respectively. By rapidly spinning, it is also possible for the Great Booster to burrow through the ground, as seen in Episode 51. A weakness of the Great Booster is that it will not be able to dock with Great Mazinger if Mazinger's back is damaged. Remote control of the Great Booster from the Science Fortress Laboratory is also possible, which was done by Kenzo in Episode 56.
When the Great Booster is deployed from the Science Fortress Laboratory, the Laboratory's upper section will hover upwards using turbofan engines, revealing the Booster's catapult within the Laboratory's main structure. In its standby state, the Booster has its' wings and dorsal fin retracted, while 2 protective capsule halves are attached to the sides of the Booster. When launched, the Great Booster purges the capsule halves and extends its wings and dorsal fin.
- Needle (ニードル)
A large needle for ramming built into the Great Booster's nosecone. It is deployed during Great Booster Attack to decimate enemies upon contact.
- Laser (official name unknown)
Lasers fired from a pair of emitters mounted below the Great Booster's wings. They are mostly used to preemptively strike the enemy, paralyzing them and leaving them open to Great Booster Attack.
Other Equipment & Abilities[]
- Scramble Dash (スクランブルダッシュ)
Great Mazinger's back-mounted built-in flight unit, installed with 2 Photon Power Rockets. It can be deployed for flight or retracted into a compact form for ease of movement as the pilot demands.
- Mazin Power (マジンパワー)
A special function inherited from Mazinger Z. By temporarily shutting down the power distribution of Great Mazinger's Photon Power Engine, it is possible for Photon Power to gradually accumulate inside Great, which can then be unleashed at once for an explosive boost in instant output. In Episode 11, it was used by Great to break free from Girai's hardening substance. In Episode 50, it was used by Great to rip apart Marigera's tentacle.
Armaments & Attacks[]
- Atomic Punch (アトミックパンチ)
Developed from Mazinger Z's Rocket Punch, the Atomic Punch refers to Great's forearm sections, which are capable of being fired into the air by using built-in Photon Power Rockets, and striking down their targets through remote control. Both forearms can be launched either simultaneously, or individually as the pilot deems necessary. Unlike the Rocket Punches, the Atomic Punches rapidly spin at 2,000 rps when fired, increasing their damage. Each Atomic Punch also has a razor-sharp protrusion on the outer side, which can be used in melee combat. The forearms weigh 5 t, fly at Mach 4, have a maximum operation range of 4 km, are capable of pulverizing steel 5 meters thick, and are overall 4 times stronger than the Rocket Punches.
- Pressure Cutter (プレッシャーカッター)
- Sharp blades built into the Atomic Punch. They form a drill-like layout when deployed, while the Atomic Punch's outer protrusion is retracted to make space. They were devised and installed on Great Mazinger in Episode 8 by Dr. Tonda to be used in the Drill Pressure Punch. The amount of Pressure Cutters seen deployed on the forearm varies with the episode, ranging from 4 to 6.
- Drill Pressure Punch (ドリルプレッシャーパンチ)
- An upgraded version of the Atomic Punch with reference from Mazinger Z's Iron Cutter, combining the initial functionalities and spinning force of the Atomic Punch with the destructive power of the Pressure Cutters. Capable of pulverizing steel 6 meters thick. Dr. Tonda claims that the Drill Pressure Punch is hundreds of times more powerful than the Iron Cutter.
- Great Typhoon (グレートタイフーン)
Developed from Mazinger Z's Rust Hurricane, the Great Typhoon is a powerful gust of air travelling at 150 km/h released from Great Mazinger's mouth slit. Though lacking the corrosive properties of the Rust Hurricane, it is still capable of blowing targets hundreds of tons to 20-30 meters away. Sometimes it is even capable of blowing parts off of Battle Beasts, such as with Alexeus' left arm. Maximum effective range 4 km.
- Breast Burn (ブレストバーン)
Developed from Mazinger Z's Breast Fire, the Breast Burn is an extremely intense beam of concentrated heat (40,000 degrees Celsius) fired from the V-shaped chest heat sink. Maximum effective range 2 km. Unlike Breast Fire, the Breast Burn can be seen used underwater normally without any issues. By activating the Minus Circuit (マイナス回路), it is possible for the Breast Burn to be adjusted into a freezing beam, as seen in Episode 51.
- Great Boomerang (グレートブーメラン)
Great Mazinger can take its V-shaped heat sink off from its chest and throw it like a boomerang. The heat sink is 9.9 m in length and 8 t in mass. The boomerang flies at Mach 3, and can slice through steel 2 meters thick. Maximum effective range 9 km.
- Navel Missile (ネーブルミサイル)
Developed from Mazinger Z's Missile Punch, Great Mazinger is also equipped with a missile launch bay in its navel section. Both the firing port and missiles are smaller compared to Z's, but the missiles pack much more power with a force of 800 tons of TNT, speed of Mach 4.5, maximum effective range of 4 km, and an ammo count of 84.
- Mazinger Blade (マジンガーブレード)
Great Mazinger's primary melee weapons, a pair of broadswords made from Chougoukin New Z, stored within the flanged sections of Great's thighs. Length 12 m, weight 1.3 t, and capable of slicing through steel of 3 meters thick. The weapon is effective for both normal melee combat and throwing. Great typically only brandishes one sword when fighting enemies, but will use both swords against an especially fearsome opponent, which include the Great General of Darkness, Gulasos, and Gilgilgan. Great is also capable of striking down enemies by launching the Mazinger Blade from its storage rack straight into the enemy in a last-ditch attack, a tactic which was used to defeat Alexeus after the Battle Beast destroyed both of Great's arms.
- Scramble Cut / Scramble Cutter (スクランブルカット / スクランダーカッター)
Resembling Mazinger Z's Scrander Cut, Great Mazinger slashes the enemy with the Scramble Dash's wings while flying at high speed.
- Thunder Break(サンダーブレーク)
Great Mazinger generates an electrical discharge of 3 million volts from its horns to create lightning, before channeling the high-voltage current into its index finger and blasting it at the target at 300,000 km/s. Great Mazinger can still shoot the Thunder Break without needing external lightning, as seen when Great is fighting in a closed-off area like in Episode 42. The Thunder Break's output can also be adjusted into a non-lethal shock, as seen when Tetsuya used it to unhypnotize Boss, Nuke and Mucha in Episode 51.
- Double Thunder Break (ダブルサンダーブレーク)
- Great Mazinger unleashes Thunder Break from both arms. Used against the Great General of Darkness in Episode 31, where Great fires the Thunder Break through both Mazinger Blades.
- Thunder Blade (サンダーブレード)
- Great Mazinger impales its Mazinger Blade into the enemy, before blasting the Thunder Break at the sword, directly destroying the enemy from the inside.
- Mazin Kick (マジンキック)
A simple flying kick. Used in Episodes 2 and 26.
- Spin Kicker (スピンキッカー)
Semicircle blades installed within Great Mazinger's calves, used in Back Spin Kick.
- Back Spin Kick (バックスピンキック)
- After Great Mazinger's battle against Dandall in Episode 34 resulted in Great losing both of its legs in an instant, the Science Fortress Laboratory staff set out on strengthening Great Mazinger's legs in Episode 35. One of the results of this upgrade plan is the Knee Impulse Kick, a powerful roundhouse kick utilizing the Spin Kicker, capable of slicing through steel 5 meters thick. The maneuver is often used in tandem with the Knee Impulse Kick to finish off enemies.
- Knee Kicker (ニーキッカー)
Sharp protrusions installed within Great Mazinger's knees, used in Knee Impulse Kick.
- Knee Impulse Kick (ニーインパルスキック)
- After Great Mazinger's battle against Dandall in Episode 34 resulted in Great losing both of its legs in an instant, the Science Fortress Laboratory staff set out on strengthening Great Mazinger's legs in Episode 35. One of the results of this upgrade plan is the Knee Impulse Kick, a powerful knee strike utilizing the Knee Kicker, capable of piercing through steel 4 meters thick. The maneuver is often used in tandem with the Back Spin Kick to finish off enemies.
The Back Spin Kick and Knee Impulse Kick were added to the show mainly due to the popularity of Bruce Lee at the time.
- Special Saka-Otoshi (スペシャル逆落とし | Special Reverse Drop)
A special maneuver devised by Tetsuya when fighting against Bisonia in Episode 12. After disabling Bisonia of its flight ability, Great Mazinger secures the Mazinger Blade's hilt into the ground, then elevates Bisonia high into the sky, before dropping the Battle Beast back down, impaling its head and entire body onto the positioned Mazinger Blade. Great then finished it off with Breast Burn.
- Great Booster Attack (グレートブースターアタック)
Great Mazinger's strongest attack. With the Great Booster docked on its back, Great Mazinger launches the Great Booster directly into the enemy. The deployed Booster will position its wings backwards and reveal the nosecone needle, then paralyze the enemy with its lasers, before obliterating the target by crashing straight into them. Boasting 3 times the Atomic Punch's power, no Battle Beast has been able to survive this attack. Of course, it is also strong enough to blow holes in the Demonica's body with ease.
Tetsuya never calls this attack by its name however, only saying "Great Booster launch!" when firing the Great Booster.
Being aware of the looming threat presented by the Mycenae Empire, Dr. Kenzo Kabuto improved upon his father's design to build robot capable of protecting humanity from the Warrior Beasts. Great Mazinger was built using a stronger version of Chougoukin Z dubbed Chougoukin New Z. To pilot his creation and its partner, Kenzo took in two orphans - Tetsuya Tsurugi and Jun Hono - and proceeded to train them to use his robots to their utmost potential.
Mazinger Z[]
Years later, when the Mycenae Empire finally attacked, Tetsuya sortied in Great Mazinger for the first time in order to save the Photon Power Laboratory from the Warrior Beasts that had already defeated Mazinger Z and Diana A. After making short work of Pilanias and Gratonios, Tetsuya took Koji to the Science Fortress Laboratory for treatment. With their robots badly damage, Koji and Sayaka were sent to America to further their studies leaving Japan's safety in Tetsuya and Jun's hands.
Great Mazinger[]
Alongside Jun, Boss and their respective robots, Tetsuya used Great's power to defeat several of the Myceanae Empire's Warrior Beasts. Eventually, this led to a final confrontation against the Great General of Darkness himself. Great Mazinger emerged victorious, but the war was far from over.
The Great General of Darkness was succeded by a revived Dr. Hell now known as The Great Marshall of Hell. By attacking two cities at times in order to lure the Great and Venus far away from each other, Hell attacked and decimated the now unguarded Science Fortress Laboratory and nearly destroyed it. Just in time, a repaired and upgraded Mazinger Z arrived piloted by a returned Koji Kabuto, who is able to protect the Science Fortress long enough for the Great to come back.
The Great Marshall attacked again on two fronts, this time also targeting the Photon Power Laboratory. During the battle, Great Mazinger suffered serious damage and Tetsuya was injured. Kenzo ended up having to sacrifice himself to cripple the enemy flying fortress, Demonika. After Great Mazinger, Venus A, Mazinger Z and Diana A join forces, they launch a final assault against the Mycenaens finishing off Demonika, Hell and the Mycenaen officers.
Mazinger Z: Infinity[]

Ten years later, Great Mazinger is still active fighting as an asset for the military. As such, they are sent to stop Baron Ashura when he attacks a power plant in Texas with an army of Mechanical Beasts. Great Mazinger and Tetsuya are captured after being denied acess to the Great Booster by their superiors. Great Mazinger is taken to Infinity and is made to function as the control mechanism for it until being rescued by Shiro Kabuto in his Ichinana. After briefly joining Koji Kabuto and Mazinger Z in their fight against The Great Marshall of Hell, Great joins the rest of the world in giving away his Photonic Energy to empower Mazinger Z helping him defeat Infinity.
Great Mazinger appears in Mazinger Z vs Great General of Darkness, Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo, Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo G: Kuchu Daigekitotsu, UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger and Grendizer, Getter Robo G, Great Mazinger: Kessen! Daikaiju usually serving as Tetsuya's machine.
UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger is the major exception. In the OVA's continuity, Great Mazinger was stored alongside Mazinger Z in the robot history museum after the battle against the Mycenae Empire. Great gets stolen by Barendos who uses him to fight against Grendizer. Duke Fleed manages to temporarily disable the robot giving Koji the opportunity to board Great. The two of them then proceed to defeat Barendos together.
Foreign names[]
- English: Great Mazinga/Mazinga, (Shogun Warriors merchandise and toys); Tranzor Z (Tranzor Z adaptation) Mazinga-Z'' (European Shogun Warriors release)
- Chinese: Great Demon God King Kong (金剛大魔神, Taiwan TV Broadcast), Ironclad Magnum 2 (鐵甲萬能俠2號, Hong Kong TV Broadcast)
- French: Mazinger (Grendizer compilation movie dub)
- Spanish: Gran Mazinger (TV series, broadcast), Mazinger Z (Latin Spanish dubs of Great Mazinger vs Getter Robo and Great Mazinger vs Getter Robo G), Super Mazinger Z (1979 Spanish Compilation film).
- Italian: Il Grande Mazinger (TV series, broadcast, DVD release) Il Grande Mazinga (Gosaku Ota manga, 1979 version) Gran Mazinga (Emilian-Romagnolo version, TV Broadcast)
Mazinger Z: Infinity[]
Video Gallery[]
- An early concept version of Great Mazinger was also called God Mazinger, and featured a drastically different color scheme.
- In several different dubs of the show and its Crossover movie's and some early international merchandise, Great Mazinger and Mazinger Z are treated as one and the same mecha in spite of their different appearances. In addition, an Italian exclusive Jumbo Machinder released in the Shogun Warriors line had Great Mazinger's head and V Chest attached to a slightly modified Grendizer body.
- In UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger, Great Mazinger is shown to have a weak spot. He temporarily shuts down whenever stuck in the center of the Scramble Dash. After being told about this by Koji, Duke explores this weakness to defeat Barendos who was controlling the robot at the time. As the movie isn't canon, it is unlikely that the TV version shares the same vulnerability.